If you have recently completed study in Australia or are about to, Congratulations!
There is good news if you are wishing to apply for the subclass 485 Temporary Graduate Visa with recent changes announced removing some of the previous more restrictive requirements.
What is a subclass 485 visa?
A subclass 485 Temporary Graduate Visa (Graduate Work stream) is for international students who have recently graduated with skills and qualifications that are relevant to specific occupations Australia needs. It allows the visa holder to live, study and work in Australia temporarily, usually up to 18 months.
This visa also allows you to travel outside of Australia and return multiple times while the visa is valid, and include family members when you apply or as subsequent entrants.
So what has changed?
For Graduate Work stream applications lodged between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023, there is no longer a need to nominate an occupation from the skilled occupation list and obtain a skills assessment.
There is also a temporary increase still in place, due to COVID-19, where subclass 485 visas granted from 1 December 2021 can be for stays up to 24 months.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible to apply for a subclass 485 Temporary Graduate Visa (Graduate Work stream) there is a range of other criteria to be met, including requirements around your previous visas, course and qualification.
Previous visas
You must:
- be the main holder of a current student visa; or
- have held a student visa within the past 6 months before your application and hold a Bridging Visa A or B associated with a valid application for a visa; or
- have held a student visa within the past 6 months before your application and hold a substantive visa; or
- have held a student visa within the past 6 months before your application and are outside Australia.
Course and qualification
You must have completed your course in the 6 months immediately before the day you apply, and meet the Australian Study Requirement by:
- completing 2 academic years study, in Australia, resulting in an eligible qualification; and
- attending study for at least 16 calendar months; and
- studying in English; and
- having held a visa authorising you to study.
The course resulting in the eligible qualification must be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
Other criteria
You also must be under 50 years of age and provide the following evidence of:
- adequate health insurance for all applicants; and
- the required level of English; and
- an application for an Australian Federal Police check.
So if you have recently completed study in Australia or are about to, and are looking at continuing your Australian migration story, please get in touch!
+61 (0) 429 133 911
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