PIC4020: considering falsifying documents or providing misleading information? Don’t!

Public interest criteria 4020 is the legislation where the consequences of falsifying information and documents being provided with your Visa application are set out.

If you provide bogus documents or information that is false and misleading on either your current visa application or any visa that you held in the 12 months before making your current visa application, you may be barred from being granted an Australian visa for up to 10 years for you and your family members.

This PIC applies to all temporary skilled, student and family visas. Merely including incorrect information in your application form can invoke this PIC and, if not dealt with correctly, could result in a visa refusal and ban. For this reason, you must be very careful with the contents of your visa application before lodgement to avoid innocent mistakes leading to severe punishment, such as a long-term ban from coming to Australia.

Prevention is always better than cure. However, if you have been accused of providing false or misleading information or documentation, please contact us to assess your next steps.

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If you have questions, please contact us:

+61 (0) 429 133 911
