Can I migrate to Australia without a job offer?

Can you migrate to Australia without a job offer? Yes! You can migrate to Australia without a job offer if you have the right visa.

Depending on your circumstances there are a number of options.

Subclass 189 – Skilled Independent visa – Points-tested stream

The subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa allows people to migrate to Australia permanently without the need for sponsorship by an Australian employer.

As this is a points-tested visa, applicants must be able to score a minimum of 65 points on their expression of interest to be invited. Points are calculated based on criteria, including:

  • Age;
  • English language skills;
  • Skilled employment experience (overseas and/or in Australia);
  • Educational qualifications;
  • Australian studies;
  • Credentialled community language; and
  • Partner skills.

Applicants can be offshore when making their application, but they must also meet other criteria to be eligible including being aged under 45 when invited to apply, have a suitable skills assessment and meet health and character requirements.

Subclass 190 – Skilled Nominated visa

The subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa also allows people to migrate to Australia permanently without the need for sponsorship by and Australian employer, however it requires applicants to be nominated by an Australian state or territory.

Each state and territory have their own eligibility criteria for deciding who they will nominate.

Applicants will still need to lodge an expression of interest with a score of at least 65 points, be aged under 45 when invited to apply, have a suitable skills assessment and meet health and character requirements.

Other options

If you’re not looking to migrate permanently but want to have the chance to work in Australia temporarily, there are other visa options available including:

  • Subclass 417 – Working Holiday / Subclass 462 – Work and Holiday visa for eligible young adults wanting to have an extended holiday in Australia, and work while they are here; and
  • Subclass 500 – Student visa for eligible applicants who want to work while studying in Australia.

If you want to explore your options for migrating to Australia without a job offer, speak with the immigration experts at KU Legal:

+61 (0) 429 133 911

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