I’ve finished my studies. Now what?

Once you have received your Certificate of Completion for your studies and you are still on your student visa, you have six months to lodge a Temporary Graduate Visa, if you are eligible.

There are two streams to this subclass 485 Visa – the Graduate Work Stream and the Post-Study Work Stream.

If you have completed a degree or higher qualification, you may be eligible for the Post-Study Work Stream. This permits you to remain in Australia for between two and four years (two years for a degree to four years for a PhD) with unlimited work rights. You also must meet the Australian study requirement which requires you to have undertaken your studies in Australia for a period of two academic years and in not less than 16 calendar months whilst on your student visa. You must also satisfy the English language, health and character requirements.

The second stream – the Graduate Work Stream – is for those students who have not obtained a degree but have obtained a qualification which links with one of the occupations on the MLTSSL (“Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List”). You must obtain a positive skills assessment for this occupation and also satisfy the English language, health and character requirements of the visa subclass.

These visas will give you a great opportunity to obtain relevant work experience whilst in Australia with a view to ultimately being sponsored by your employer. If you would like to discuss a strategy for you to be able to stay in Australia long-term, please get in touch.

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If you have questions, please contact us:

+61 (0) 429 133 911
