Health requirement – How are you feeling?

To be eligible for an Australian visa, one of the main requirements is to meet the health requirement. Australia has strict health standards and it does not want to allow people into Australia who are going to take up resources earmarked for Australian citizens and permanent residents.

Temporary visas have lower health requirements and are based on where you have lived before applying for your visa, what you intend to do in Australia as well as the length of time you intend to stay in Australia.

If you apply for a permanent visa, the Department of Home Affairs will require you to either have no substantial health issues or, if you have health issues and your visa has a health waiver attached to it, such as a partner visa, you may need to demonstrate that your health issue is not overly significant and costly.

Please note that for permanent visa applications, it is “one fail, all fail”. This means that if one of your family members who is part of the visa application fails the health test, all members applying for that visa will fail and the application will be refused. It is therefore very important to establish whether you will need to address this issue as part of your visa application before you lodge a visa application and potentially waste a lot of money.

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If you have any questions, please contact us:

+61 (0) 429 133 911

Disclaimer: Changes to the Australian migration program can occur without notice. The above information is not intended to be legal advice and is correct as of the date of publication.