It’s similar to the difference between writing a letter to Santa early in the year and then waiting to see, on Christmas Day or, in our case, the day the Department of Home Affairs (“DoHA”) sends out the invitations, whether your wishes have come true!
An EOI is exactly what it sounds like, you are confirming to DoHA that you have all the requirements for them to be able to invite you to lodge a visa application.
To submit a valid EOI, you will be required to hold a valid skills assessment, have undertaken and obtained results in an English language test that equate to 6/6/6/6 or more on the IELTS test equivalent. Also, the EOI is made up of points based on your age, qualifications, and work experience. The higher the points, the more likely you are to be invited. However, there is no guarantee that you will be invited.
This is not a visa application.
You should not rely on receiving an invitation as your only option moving forward.
Once you have received an invitation from the DoHA, then, if you have done everything right and calculated your points correctly in the EOI, you can start to feel a bit more positive about that visa application!
One word of warning – we receive far too many calls from people who have had a visa application refused because they calculated their points incorrectly and the evidence provided with the visa application did not match up with the points claimed in the EOI.
If you are planning to write that letter to Santa/submit an EOI and are unsure of what points to claim, we can assist you to ensure that you ask for the right Chrissie pressie!
+61 (0) 429 133 911
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