Corona update – How to stay in Australia?

There are many people who, for one reason or another, are currently in Australia when, under normal circumstances, they would have been back home by now.

For some of you, your visa will be ready to expire shortly. If that is the case, here are some options for you. Please always remember that your circumstances and options may be very different to somebody in a similar situation to you so, if in doubt, consult a professional migration agent about your next steps:

Visitor Visa

There are limitations on this visa – if you have already spent substantial time in Australia (on a visitor visa, work and holiday/working holiday visa or a bridging visa) and the visitor visa will take you over 12 months, you need to demonstrate that you have exceptional reasons to be granted this visa

Partner Visa

Are you in a de facto relationship with an Australian and has this relationship been going on for 12 months or more? As CV-19 has been going on for almost 12 months now, if you have survived the last 12 months with your partner, you deserve a medal as well as a visa to remain in Australia with that person!

Medical Treatment Visa

If, over the last 12 months, you have needed ongoing medical support, you may be eligible for a visa to keep you in Australia while you continue to receive the treatment.

Temporary Activities Visa – the Corona Visa

If you have no other options remaining and you are unable to depart Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and you still hold a substantive visa or it expired less than 28 days ago, this may be an option for you. Also, if you are working in a critical industry sector, this is a visa that will permit you to remain in Australia for up to 12 months (those who have no other options will get a visa for up to three months).

This is a very basic catalogue of the visas that you may be eligible for if your current visa is about to expire and you did not originally intend to stay here for such a long time. If you would like to see if any of these options are suitable for you, get in touch with us.

+61 (0) 429 133 911

Disclaimer: Changes to the Australian migration program can occur without notice. The above information is not intended to be legal advice and is correct as of the date of publication.