Calling all Animal lovers!

Author: KU Legal

Published: 27 Feb, 2024

Categories: Immigration Info

Are you planning to move to Australia and want to bring your pet? Of course, your closest friend cannot be left at home. However, how can you bring them into Australia?

The answer is “It’s complicated.” Australia, like it does with humans, put high demands in the integrity of the pet being brought into the country. Again, like with visas, pets from certain countries are more likely to be granted entry than pets from other countries. You need to be coming from the country that is listed by the Australian government, as either being in group 1, group 2 or group 3. If your country is not listed in one of these lists, you will not be able to import your pet directly into Australia. Since March 2023, Australia has prevented animals from non-approved countries to move to one of the group 2 or 3 countries.

For animals coming from group 2 or 3 countries, there are step-by-step guides that can be found on the Australian government Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forest website (

In summary, it is important to consider the process well in advance of you planning to move to Australia, as there are a number of hoops that have to be jumped through for your pet to even be able to get onto an aeroplane to come to Australia.

If you need any assistance with a human visa, please contact the migration specialists at KU Legal:

+61 (0) 429 133 911

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