Argued with your partner and you’re on a visa? What to do next?

Life and love are challenging enough without having to take into consideration any visa conditions that you are subject to!

The main thing we always advise you when we are told that you are having relationship (non-domestic violence related*) problems is to take a moment, have a break, sleep on it. No relationship is without its issues and arguments in a relationship can be considered healthy. This would not be considered unusual in a relationship by the Dept of Home Affairs. Therefore, you should not rush to notify the Dept of your “break up” as, once they have been notified, it may put in train a process which cannot be reversed.

Contact us and we will discuss the situation with you and advise if and when the situation must be reported to the Dept.

*If you are experiencing domestic violence in your relationship, this is a very different situation and we always recommend you act to protect yourself and any other family members, especially children, if this is the case.

If you have any questions, please contact us:

+61 (0) 429 133 911

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